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Tackling Pre-Performance Nerves

Posted 24th September, 2013 by

Lulu Liqueur, photo by John LeonardYou’re standing at the side of the stage waiting for your name to be announced. Your hands are clammy, stomach nauseous and your heart is pulsating through your body. Sound familiar? Well you’re not alone! Performers – seasoned or new, have all felt like this at some point in their performing lives.

The good news is that it’s completely natural. In fact I think it’s a great thing to be nervous.  Not only does it show that you really care about what you do but it gives you that adrenalin rush when you hop on stage (remember to dazzle your crowd with a smile – looking confident is key!). But how can you help keep those nerves at bay?

It’s all in the preparation. Yes, you’ll still be nervous but you will be standing side of stage knowing you are as ready as you’ll ever be! Here are 4 quick tips to help you prep for a performance:


  1. Rehearse in your costume at home. The more you get use to the weight & placement of your costume, the more natural your interaction with your costume will appear on stage
  2. Pack your costume, props, make-up & hair products the day before. This gives you a chance to buy any last minute cans of hair spray, bobby pins etc. that you thought you had stowed away!
  3. Pack a mini sewing kit. Any last minute costume glitches can easily be fixed with a stitch or a safety pin (saving you from a mini freak out backstage!)
  4. Practice! Practice! Practice! The more you know your music, the more your moves become refined & if there are any hiccups, you can quickly recover and in time with your song.

By applying these quick tips, you will ensure you are prepared, will have a boost of confidence & will be one step closer to rocking that stage!

Stay tuned for more tips & tricks!

Until next time…

Lulu xo


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