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Itty Bitty Ladies.

Posted 3rd June, 2010 by

I just love seeing other burlesque artists perform but I so rarely get the chance.  Whenever something is on, I always have other commitments or gigs of my own to perform at.  *Le Sigh*.  I usually just have to look at clips and things on the internets.  It’s just always so inspiring and interesting to see other peoples style and individual take on burlesque.

Cherry De Licious from Itty Bitty Tease Cabaret

One troupe I would adore to see (but sadly are about as geographically far away as possible) is the Itty Bitty Tease Cabaret from Finland.  They are just adorable!  They have awesome costumes and really really cute acts.  Their photos are also amazing.  I follow Cherry De Licious on her blog (which is also soooo awesome.  She gives me serious hair envy and I want to steal her wardrobe quite badly).

Here is a music clip featuring Cherry and Tinker Bell from Itty Bitty and the lovely Pepper Sparkles.  They look like they really get the comedy and parody of burlesque.  You really can’t take it too seriously!  This is a little NSFW!

Here is a cute little group routine that they did.  I love it!  Turn your sound down a little!  It’s a bit loud!

ARGH!!!! So cute it kills me!!!  I am hoping to go see some burlesque here in the States.  Hopefully it is as cute and clever as these lovely ladies.

Love and kisses


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