Backstage in Vegas
PHEW! I am finally recovered from our last massive show, Viva Lust Vegas. It was amazing! It almost killed me but it was an absolute smash success. Sold out as a matter of fact! Incredible! It’s also the first show where I managed a four hoops split successfully (aka I managed to keep them all moving at once and not have one very sadly fall off over my knees). YAY!
Anyhoo, here are some little happy snaps I took backstage of all the lovelies of Sugar Blue. Backstage at a show is pretty much the funnest thing ever. I am really truly lucky to get to work with such a wonderful group of gorgeous, talented, amazing women that make me laugh till my sides hurt and inspire me everyday.
Our amazing hosts Morty Handsome and Gladys Friday. It’s Gladis just a peach??? Morty is a lucky man.
Coco Poppin getting her Priscilla on. It’s worth coming to a Sugar Blue show just to see Coco and her “magic butt” (for this is the nickname I have bestowed upon it). You will see what I mean.
Me as a Vegas Hoochie. I opened the whole show by walking across the stage and soliciting audience members. And possibly getting up in peoples grills for moving in on my turf. Classy. AIIIIIIIGGHHHT!
The delish Miss Jane getting her bling on. This act was AMAZING! Very classic burlesque and close to the sexiest thing I have ever seen.
This IS the sexiest thing I have ever seen. When A’dora dresses as Prince, all the SBB ladies get into a bit of a tizz. There may be a little bit of Derriere slapping as well. The way A’dora rocks a jerry curl just sets my heart a flutter.
The ever adorable Lulu Peekaboo and the radiant Dakota Peaches. I did take some pictures of Lulu in her awesome Lucille Ball outfit but I can’t seem to find them! My memory cards have been playing up (all three of them) and pictures have been getting corrupted left right and centre. Sad times.
One of our newest troupe members, the incredible Odile Devine, being a bit of a tourist.
Monsieur Grande, the tallest Elvis you will ever see.
The cutie that is Mia Bella in her Cyd Charisse inspired outfit! I love love how the little squirrel sticker looks like it’s sitting on her shoulder.
The Master and her creation! You may not know this, but the Sapphire Demure is the coturista behind an awful lot of our costumes, including the stunning ensemble I’m wearing. It’s a tuxedo onesie people! A tuxedo ONESIE! That I did a four split in.
OHHHHH! Lorelei! What else can you say really?? Smokin’!
The show was amazing and we did have a wonderful time but there something that was making us all sad panda. We have had to say goodbye to our Showgirl Satine. She has left us to travel the world. We already miss her. She amazed us with her high kicks, dazzling smile and all round fabulousness. BOOO! Why must everyone leave me (I’m looking at you Trixi Tassels!)
This was an exceptionally goodly all kinds of wonderful show. But a Burlesque dancers work is never done and we are all already making plans, choosing music and sewing costumes for the next show in July. I can’t reveal what we are doing yet but I can safely say that you’ll be seeing a few more famous faces.
Toodle pip cuties!
P.S. Did I mention I did a four hoop split? I did? Well I’m telling you again!!!